Sunday, January 15, 2012

carpet Stain extraction - Water Stains

Water stains can come from a variety of sources. Perhaps you spilt a liquid on your carpet or maybe you had some kind of a water leak. Make sure that you first conclude the source of the water leak to make sure this problem does not occur again. After you have determined and remedied the source of the water stain you can remove it.

First you need to remove any soil from the stain. To do this you will use a clarification of 1 teaspoon water to 2 cups of water. Using a clean dry white cloth you will dab the spot until no more soil transfers to the rag. Work from the outside to the inside so as not to spread the soil and do not rub the spot as this could wear the carpet fibers.


Now that you have completed step one you can work on reversing the browning that has occurred. Mix up a clarification of 1 part white distilled vinegar to 2 parts water. Pour the composition into a hand sprayer and mist it onto the spot. Lightly work it into the stain and let it dwell for a minute. Now blot the clarification up with a clean white towel. You might have to repeat this step a few times. When you are ended let the carpet dry thoroughly before putting it back to use.

carpet Stain extraction - Water Stains

Hopefully his has remedied your problem. Some times you might need to give the vinegar a dinky time to work on the browning so if it is not out, wait a few hours. If you still have a stain, consider calling a carpet cleaner to remedy it for you. Good luck.

carpet Stain extraction - Water Stains

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